La Junta Health Service District
The La Junta Health Service District (LJHSD) is a Special District composed of five elected board members who are in the process of building a state-of-the-art non traditional nursing home to be called Bluestem Village.
The LJHSD has an elected and volunteer self-operating board of directors completely separate from the City of La Junta and the Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center. The financing of the LJHSD will be a 1.0% increase in La Junta sales tax. La Junta voters approved the 1.0% sales tax increase in the November/2017 election by an overwhelming vote of 79.79% to 20.21%. Once all debt is authorized, city sales tax will be reduced by 0.50% to 7.40% from 7.90% for ongoing facility maintenance, operations, upgrades, etc.

Officers for La Junta Health Service District :
Johnnie DeLeon Jr.
(CEO for Inspiration Field)
Term expires 2023
1420 W. 5th St., La Junta, CO 81050
Janet Hill
(Vice President Colorado Bank & Trust)
Term expires 2023
2505 Carson Ave., La Junta, CO 81050
Diane Fowler
Term expires 2023
15 West 22nd St., La Junta, CO 81050
Vice Chairman & Assistant
Paul T. Yoder
(Medical Director Ark Valley Hospice)
Re-elected term expires 2025
415 Kiva Court, La Junta, CO 81050
Vice Chairman & Assistant
Lynn D. Horner
(Retired- Owner of Junction Galleria/Craft store/book store)
Re-elected term expires 2025
515 San Juan Ave., La Junta, CO 81050
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors of the La Junta Health Service District, Otero County, Colorado will at
1904 San Juan, Room 111, La Junta, Colorado, on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 1:00pm
Meetings will consist of regular business of the District and any other matters as may come before the Board.
(Meetings are open to the public)